Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Malmo Sweden

Photo Credit: Melody Hovey

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jack's in Sweden!!!

Skating The Streets

The Skating in The Streets Mini Ramp and High Ollie contest was very successful last weekend! Thank you for everyone who attended. Check Filmerian's site for further coverage. here are some photos and video that i got during the event:

Skating In the Streets from szeto szeto on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

This is Jason's first Mallgrip Post

yo. today i am officially buying an HD camera. Slaysh will now be representing 2 hd cameras. mass amounts of footage soon to come. holla.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


i recently went to philly with a few dudes from on deck. check out szetoszeto for all the exclusive pics!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I got a trick today at the park.

photo cred goes to Andrew Szeto...

Lord of The Lines Revisited

Steve Farmer filmed this. Jay's got first line!


are now engaged. congratulations!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jack and Melody

jack and melody have been up to a little art project. i got this in the mail.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jack @ McNabb

Jack at McNabb from andrew szeto on Vimeo.

we got a quick sesh in today at the park. here are a few clips from the Jack.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jay at Lord of the Lines

so besides the other two posts i posted on szetoszeto. i threw together our only team member's footage who entered the event. here's jay getting trilla at the lord of the lines comp that went down on canada day.

Jay @ lord of the lines from andrew szeto on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lord of the Lines

the lord of the lines contest went down yesterday on canada day. the contest was actually super sick and it was done right. anyhow i shot video most of the time, but here are some of the snaps i took. more to come! thanks for a good time eric.

start of the day

these guys.

kipper's new haircut!

ian gauths!

good line-up

a-ron got gnarled.

sarah dea is a real person.

caro just had surgery this week


this is limbo. he was feelin' it.


aaron and hyland.




here you go terry.

connelly was killing it the entire day.

they actually both landed their tricks.

ooooooh! i got one.

hyland, bowins, keys and sam wise gamgi.


Gary Best

yeah mark!

Spencer won.

more to come more to come more to come.